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SMARTSHOP_CART_EMPTY, hereinafter referred to as “The Site”.
Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how your personal data is collected, processed and stored during your use of this website, accessible via the url
The term “personal data” refers to any information relating to a natural person and allowing them to be identified, directly or indirectly, from a single piece of data or from the cross-referencing of a set of data.
All personal data collected on this website are processed under the responsibility of the entrepreneur Fabienne BLANC, registered in the PARIS Trade and Companies Register under number 924351935 and in compliance with law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, in its current version, as well as Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data. personal nature and the free circulation of this data.
In the sense of the regulations applicable to personal data, is therefore responsible for their processing.

1. Use cases for the site

Simple visitor:

The Site is based on a content manager (CMS, Content Management System) and needs session cookies to function correctly. These cookies are mandatory for the proper functioning of the Site and do not store any personal information about the user.

Using the Contact Form:

In addition to the status of simple visitor, when submitting personal information on the Contact Form, the user accepts that this data is transmitted to the company Fabienne BLANC, owner of the Site to be processed according to the subject of the Form.
The Site undertakes to use this data only within the strict framework of the visitor's request, not to communicate it to any third party and to keep it only for the time necessary to process the request.

You are a customer:

In addition to the status of simple visitor, below are the conditions of use of your data:

  • Create your customer account on this website.
  • Manage orders for my works.
  • Take the necessary actions to manage quotes, invoices and customer relationship monitoring.
  • Respond to your contact request made from the website.
  • Manage unpaid debts and possible disputes.
  • Comply with legal obligations.

The data collected is necessary for the execution of the contract entered into with the company Fabienne BLANC, owner of the Site when you use the website to order the works available for sale on it.
When you voluntarily provide personal data, their use will only be justified within the strict framework of the commercial relationship.

2. What Data is collected and when

In addition to session tracking data (user visit to the site) essential to the proper functioning of the site which is technical and always anonymous, personal data on users is collected in the following cases

  • data provided by the customer when creating and managing their account (last name, first name, email, address)
  • Order tracking and history (for example, purchase amounts, works ordered, billing and delivery address) and other data relating to the monitoring of the commercial relationship
  • When submitting a contact request using the site form provided for this purpose, the information it contains.

No data concerning the customer's banking information is either processed or stored on the site, all operations carried out in this area (payment of an order or other) are carried out on the servers of our Paypal service provider which ensures this. confidentiality and processing. For more information on this subject, please refer to the conditions of use of the site PayPal.

3. Legal obligations

In the event of legal requisition, the site may be required to share data with the judicial authority in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

4. How the Site protects your personal data

The site undertakes to do everything possible to protect its customers' data by measures proportionate to their confidentiality, including in particular:

  • Regular updates to avoid security breaches.
  • The use of an SSL certificate to guarantee the confidentiality of exchanges between the site and its visitors on the internet.
  • Encryption of sensitive information when stored in the database.
  • Regular backups to prevent possible loss of data in the event of technical failure.
  • By relying on specialized service providers to carry out financial transactions in order to prevent the site from having to manage or store any information of this type for its customers.

5. How long is the data retained

Data retention

The maximum retention period for customer data under the GDPR policy is 36 months, beyond which user consent is again required.

The legal duration of retention of customer data in the commercial context (customer account with completed order) is 5 years.

Customer Rights

The customer can request at any time the deletion of his data which will then be erased with the exception of data concerning commercial operations which are less than 5 years old and which the site is required to keep during this period.

The customer may request at any time a copy of all information concerning him stored on the site.

6. Recipients of your Personal Data

Apart from financial data which is not managed by the site but by its service provider Paypal, and therefore subject to Paypal's conditions of use, all personal data provided by customers and stored on the site are at exclusive use of the site and only used within the framework of customer relations.

In no way or form whatsoever; excluding a judicial requisition; this data is not communicated or transmitted to third parties.

7. What are your rights and how to exercise them

In accordance with the regulations applicable to personal data, you can exercise the following rights at https://www.fabienne-blanc. fr (or email address?)
- Access your Data, request rectification;
- Request deletion of your Data;
- Manage your consent for the functionalities of the site from the User Preferences menu link in the footer of the Site
- Oppose the processing of your Data or request its limitation.
You can finally exercise all of your rights by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to the following address: Fabienne BLANC, 4bis rue Anselme Payen, Appt 252, 75015 PARIS and specifying:
- Your name, first name, email address;
- The subject of your request;
- The address to which the response should reach you;
Processing the request may take a few days before it becomes effective.
In the event of no response or a response that seems unsatisfactory to you, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with a regulatory authority. control:
• In France, the CNIL:
Post mortem :
You also have the right to formulate directives concerning the conservation, erasure and communication of your data after your death. You can therefore communicate your post-mortem instructions and exercise your rights by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by post to the following address: Fabienne BLANC, 4bis rue Anselme Payen, Appt 252, 75015 PARIS, specifying:
- Your name, first name, email address;
- Your post-mortem instructions;
- The the address to which the response must be sent;
In the event of death, the trusted third party that you have designated or, failing that, your heirs may also exercise these rights on your behalf.

8. Updates to this privacy policy

Any modification to the privacy policy will trigger the display of the acceptance request to users again

9. Security and confidentiality of payments

The Site does not process or store customer financial data.
When paying for purchases, users are redirected to PayPal's secure servers which alone ensure the processing of this data so that the customer can carry out its payment and to validate the transaction, within the framework of PayPal's conditions of use.

10. Social networks

Each of the social networks has its own confidentiality policy and its provisions relating to the processing of Personal Data, which I invite you to consult.

11. Cookie management

You have control over Cookies (excluding necessary functional cookies). In addition, in accordance with the regulations, periodically your consent relating to cookies is required (excluding necessary functional cookies).

You will find below the different methods of managing your Cookies depending on your browser software. The configuration of each browser is described in the help menu of your browser. Some examples:

  • For Internet Explorer™: fr-FR/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
    In the Internet Explorer menu, go to “Internet Options”;
    In the “Confidentiality” tab, click on the “Advanced” button;
    Check the “Ignore automatic cookie management” box;
    Then select: “Accept” for first-party cookies, and “Refuse” third-party cookies;
    Save the changes by clicking “OK”.

  • For Safari™: .com/article.htlm?path=Safari/3.0/fr/9277.html
    In the Safari menu, select “Preferences”;
    Go to the “Security” tab;
    If you choose “Accept cookies”, select “Only from sites I visit”.

  • For Chrome™:
    In the Chrome menu, select “Settings”;
    Click on “Show advanced settings”;
    Go to the “Confidentiality” paragraph;
    Click on the “Content settings” tab;
    In the “Cookies” paragraph » (first paragraph), check the box “Block cookies and third-party site data”;
    Save the changes by clicking on “OK”.

  • For Firefox™:
    On the Firefox home page, click the “Settings” tab;
    Select the “Privacy” table;
    In the “History” area, for the “Retention rules” option, select “Use personality settings for history » ;
    On the “Accept third-party cookies” drop-down bar, select “Never”;
    Save the changes by clicking on “OK”.

For other browsers and mobile devices, we invite you to go to the official web page of the browser or device manufacturer or consult the documentation provided.
For more information on cookies and trackers : .

12. Copyright

Respect for copyright:
French copyright is the right of creators. The principle of copyright protection is established by Article L. 111-1 of the Intellectual Property Code (CPI) which provides that “the author of an intellectual work has the right to this work, by the mere fact of its creation, an exclusive intangible property right enforceable against all. This right includes intellectual and moral attributes as well as patrimonial attributes.”

The main characteristics of the protection:

  • Copyright confers on its owner private property allowing him to determine the conditions of exploitation of his work:

    The rights granted to authors are broken down into two series of prerogatives with distinct legal regimes. Property rights (CPI, art. L. 122-1 s.) which allow the author to authorize different modes of use of his work and to receive remuneration in return. Moral rights (CPI, art. L. 121-1 s.) whose purpose is to protect the personality of the author expressed through his work. This property is intangible in nature. Thus, it is appropriate to dissociate the fate of copyright relating to an intellectual work from that of the material medium in which the work is incorporated. As such, the sale of the material support of the work (for example, a painting) does not entail the transfer of the copyright relating to this work (CPI, art. L. 131-3).

  • Acquiring copyright protection does not require any formality:

    The granting of legal protection is conferred on the author by the sole fact of the creation of an original form. Copyright therefore protects intellectual works without the author having to complete any administrative formality of deposit or prior registration. The rules relating to legal deposit therefore have no influence on the creation of copyright.

    The work is deemed to be created, independently of any public disclosure, solely because of the realization, even if unfinished, of the author's conception.

    The existence or conclusion of a work or service rental contract by the author of an intellectual work does not entail any derogation from the enjoyment of copyright.

  • 4.3 Copyright infringements are punishable under criminal law (ICC, art. L. 335-1 to L. 335-10):

    In the event of infringement of his rights, the copyright holder has the right to take action for infringement which he can bring either before the civil or administrative courts to obtain compensation, or before the repressive courts to obtain damages. penals sanctions. Violation of copyright constitutes the offense of counterfeiting, punishable by a fine of 300,000 euros and 3 years of imprisonment (ICC, art. L. 335-2 s.). Additional penalties - closure of establishment, confiscation, publication by posting of the judicial decision - may also be imposed. The intellectual property code understands counterfeiting as all acts of unauthorized use of the work. In the event of partial resumption of the latter, it is assessed according to the similarities between the works. The simple attempt is not punishable.

    The law criminalizes under the offense of counterfeiting: - “any reproduction, representation or dissemination, by any means whatsoever, of an intellectual work in violation of the rights of the author, as they are defined and regulated by law” (CPI, art. L. 335-3). - “the debit [act of dissemination, in particular by sale, of infringing goods], the export and import of “infringing” works” (CPI, art. L. 335.2 al. 3).

    The law establishes a preventive procedure, seizure-counterfeiting, which allows the holder to quickly stop any infringement of his rights by seizing counterfeit copies and to provide proof of the counterfeiting (CPI, art. L. 332-1 to L. 332-4). Professional defense organizations and rights collection and distribution companies approved by the Minister in charge of culture are authorized to establish the materiality of offenses.

  • The duration of protection:

    Contrary to moral rights which are perpetual, the exploitation rights conferred on authors are limited in time.

    According to article L. 123-1 of the CPI, “The author enjoys, throughout his life, the exclusive right to exploit his work in any form whatsoever and to derive a pecuniary profit from it. On the death of the author, this right persists for the benefit of his beneficiaries during the current calendar year and the seventy years which follow. At the end of this period the work falls into the public domain, so that its use is free subject to respecting the moral rights of the author. Thus, for an author who died on June 1, 2010 (the deadline runs from January 1, 2011), the work will therefore not enter the public domain until January 1, 2081.

  • Protection by copyright should not be confused with other systems of protection which have another purpose and come under another legal regime:
    The law of unfair competition/parasitism and personality rights such as the right to respect for private life, honor, reputation, image which fall under the rules of civil law.
    These different modes of protection can be exercised cumulatively in the protection of copyright.

13. Limitation of liability

Hypertext links relating to external content:
The Site may contain hypertext links giving access to other websites published and managed by third parties and not by the Publisher. The Publisher cannot be held responsible directly or indirectly in the event that said third-party sites do not comply with legal provisions.