We radiated around our home base. We saw small fishing ports: Léchigat-Tréffiagat opposite the Les Brisants bar where we took refuge on the terrace because of the rain, then in the afternoon the back of the Guilvinnec port. The rocks of Saint-Guénolé and the thatched houses of Penmach. The ruins of the Languidou chapel, the Calvary of Tronoën in Saint-Jean Frolimon, the Notre-Dame de la Joie chapel of Penmarch with its boat hull nave. Tréguennec pebble crushing plant built during the Second World War. It was a work camp where prisoners and deportees sweated blood and water for the Nazis. In the afternoon of Wednesday, the trawlers return with their fishing to the port of Guilvinec. It is a moment very appreciated by the locals who gather on the 1st floor of the fishery to see them disembark. Full day at the port of Lesconil which allowed us to paint several points of view: enclave of the sea at low tide with houses on the edge, beach and fishing port with pleasure boats. Port of Loctudy in the morning and the Echmül lighthouse in the afternoon. In the evening, picnic at sunset to end our stay.
Very cloudy weather and a few showers the first two days then sunshine the following days. We were very warmly covered with a windbreaker because the wind did not stop blowing, refreshing the atmosphere even in full sun. The conditions were harsh, especially when you sit for several hours without moving, but the landscapes were magnificent and you wanted more.

Guilvinec landscape

Rocks of Saint-Guénolé

Thatched roof houses in Penmach

Languidou Chapel

Calvary of Tronoën in Saint-Jean Frolimon

Pebble crushing plant

Return of fishing to Guilvinec

Sea enclave in Lesconil at low tide

Fisherman's port in Lesconil

Boats at low tide in Loctudy

Seaside in Loctudy

Penmach at low tide